Jennifer Samaniego
Master in Data Science from the Universidad Oberta de Cataluña. Currently, I work as an Innovation Analyst in the Directorate of Technologies for Education, being responsible for the XR LAB and Virtual Reality Club UTPL. In addition, I play the role of Deputy Director of the Immersive Learning Network Ecuador. I have been awarded with several prizes and recognitions among the most relevant ones: Woman of the Year in Innovation Ecuador 2024 by Hogar/Vistazo Magazine,
Woman reference in information technology 2024, Women That Build Awards 2023 Inspiring Leader, named by the BBC as part of the 5 women leading outstanding technological entrepreneurship in Latin America, I was representative of one of the 10 most influential communities in Latin America and the Caribbean in the call Metaverse Community Challenge in Sao Paulo Brazil organized by the IDB Lab (innovation laboratory of the Inter-American Development Bank Group) and Meta being the only representative of Ecuador and other recognitions by institutions such as: Fidal Foundation, Raw, bi/COA, Catedra Iberoamericana Alejandro Roemmers de Industrias Culturales y Creativas de la Universidad Miguel Hernández, Senecyt, The Global Online Laboratory Consortium, MetaRed. My lines of research focus on: educational and immersive technologies, e-Learning, virtual communities, active learning, and data science.