Aurea Rodriguez
My career has always been related to technology and innovation, with multiple responsibilities in organizations, administrations and technology companies. I am currently the Managing Director of Eurecat in the Tarragona region and Head of the Corporate Development Unit. In addition, I am part of the boards of directors of the biotechnology company QGenomics and Talentea. I amb university professor, startup mentor and a senior expert of the European Commission on exploitation of results, transfer and entrepreneurship. This year she has been named innovation expert of the Los100deCotec network of the COTEC Foundation.
As director of innovation in the administration, I learned to explain the importance of technical concepts to the proximity of the territory and people's day-to-day lives. What is not communicated today does not exist and therefore having women speaking and translating technology empowers those who are there and especially those who come behind.
My publications want to spread that innovation and technology should not have gender and that they should empower us in this global world always putting people at the center from technological humanism and ethical values.
As director of innovation in the administration, I learned to explain the importance of technical concepts to the proximity of the territory and people's day-to-day lives. What is not communicated today does not exist and therefore having women speaking and translating technology empowers those who are there and especially those who come behind.
My publications want to spread that innovation and technology should not have gender and that they should empower us in this global world always putting people at the center from technological humanism and ethical values.