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Amanda Duarte


Rising Star

USA and Canada
Achimostawinan Games
I am a Game Development and Design graduate and I have been working as a Project Manager in the games industry for 1 year and a half.

Since I came to Canada in 2018, I have been participating in various activities in this area, such as game jams and game conferences, because I found out that I love getting involved with these events and contributing to the community!

Even though I live in Canada, since 2020 I started to get involved with game community events in Brazil. Because I'm Brazilian, I participated as a mentor, community manager, and even organizer in game jams, like Women Game Jam, Game Jam Plus, and Sampa Diversa. Today I am one of the organizers of Women Game Jam Brasil.

I try to inspire and empower women through the events I participate, such as game jams that focus on diversity, which give space and visibility to minorities to produce games (like the Women Game Jam and Sampa Diversa).

In addition, I share about game development in general and the games industry on my Instagram, @malory_womandev, looking to bring content about the area and work experiences as a woman who graduated in games and works with it. When I started in this area, there weren't many women sharing content and experiences in games, which I missed a lot and motivated me to start this profile.