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María Fernanda Caicedo Reyes


Digital Leader

Woman, migrant, Latina. Constant learner from own and shared experience. Always interested in the collective good and contributing professionally and personally in the search for a new version of myself and the people I surround myself with. Without fear of sharing knowledge, in love with leading, showing the way, and shaking hands with the new generations, mainly women. Passionate about championing and living gender equality in all instances of interaction. I build from life experience, from my own mistakes, achievements, learning, and frustrations.
Generator of conversations of value by and with people.
Dream, believe, and achieve.
It's simple, I exist not for a reason but for multiple reasons, always with an honest and missionary purpose. Always in the first person, believing in myself, in my abilities, accepting my weaknesses, and seeking the value of each of them. Creating opportunities for unlearning, learning, and improvement from the being and the purpose of life and my work with humanity.