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Background profile
Felanice Yancy leaf


United States
Program Manager
I am a first-generation college student who worked extremely hard to put myself through college. At present, I am finishing a PhD in Data Science. Previously, I was a SW Engineer in Aerospace and then I lost my memory from Lupus, so I had to stop working for 7 years. During that time, I looked for innovative ways to challenge my disability in the areas of technology. I put together a project plan titled, “Get a Job with a Disability.” I went to a conference specifically for people with disabilities and I interviewed with various tech companies. I chose Microsoft because of the accommodation that I could get to do my job as effectively as I could. Since returning back to work in 2019, I have used my platform at Microsoft to educate people on how I put myself back to work. In addition, I mentor, coach and volunteer my time to educate underrepresented minorities about going into STEAM. I believe in giving back as often as I can. More importantly, I believe in being a role model for young girls who want to go into STEAM who don’t necessarily see people in STEAM who look like them. I volunteer to critique resumes, prep college students for interviews and currently I am a UW Product Management Fellow where I hope to invent inclusive products for everyone (including and especially), people with disabilities. In 2016, I was named a Trailblazer in Avionics & Software. I Believe!