Rising Star
Carricondo Robino
NTT Data
I am Julieta Carricondo Robino, bioengineer, speaker, and trainer. Since 2016, I dedicate myself to the sustainable transformation of companies, public organizations, and NGOs, work that allowed me to be awarded as TOYP JCI Mendoza and with the Isidoro Martín award.
I started my journey focus on world environmental transition. I became an international scholarship for studying and researching in Granada University, Spain, and was part as speaker of diverse congresses, for example in IV International Congress on the Environment and Sustainable Development, Pamplona, Colombia as Master lecture, and 1st International Research Forum “World environment day”, University of Pamplona & UN. In the same way, I also worked with local governments as an expert on environmentally sustainable projects manager.
In my communicator role, my emphasis has been on disability, especially cystic fibrosis (a disease that I suffer from birth) given a TEDx talk as a milestone, raising awareness about the pathology.
In 2020, I decided to use my experience to train other people and advise projects, founding GAIA, a high-impact consultancy, with a partner. On this entrepreneurship, where I still am part of, we have been involved in projects from Argentina, Ecuador, and United States.
Currently, I have focused on intelligence artificial to model human behavior, working as Lead Data Scientist in NTT Data.
I believe in the human being as an inexhaustible source of his/her own construction.
I started my journey focus on world environmental transition. I became an international scholarship for studying and researching in Granada University, Spain, and was part as speaker of diverse congresses, for example in IV International Congress on the Environment and Sustainable Development, Pamplona, Colombia as Master lecture, and 1st International Research Forum “World environment day”, University of Pamplona & UN. In the same way, I also worked with local governments as an expert on environmentally sustainable projects manager.
In my communicator role, my emphasis has been on disability, especially cystic fibrosis (a disease that I suffer from birth) given a TEDx talk as a milestone, raising awareness about the pathology.
In 2020, I decided to use my experience to train other people and advise projects, founding GAIA, a high-impact consultancy, with a partner. On this entrepreneurship, where I still am part of, we have been involved in projects from Argentina, Ecuador, and United States.
Currently, I have focused on intelligence artificial to model human behavior, working as Lead Data Scientist in NTT Data.
I believe in the human being as an inexhaustible source of his/her own construction.
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Medio Ambiente
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Medio Ambiente